Great and Precious Promises
May I have a Word with you?
The Ones

The Ones

Part 5: Jude


  • Jude’s letter to you!

    • Context

      • Author: brother of James, slave (δοῦλος - doo'-los) of Jesus Christ.

        • Jesus’ brothers didn’t put faith in Jesus until after His death and resurrection

        • Jude writes to people who are very familiar with Hebrew sources.

      • Purpose: Encouragement to stand for the True faith.

  • The text:

    • vss 1-4

      • Consider the corrupt teachers/members of the community.

        • παρεισέδυσαν (παρεισδύνω [par-ice-doo'-no])

          • to enter secretly, slip in stealthily, to steal in

            • “ungodly people have wormed their way into”

            • “certain people have crept in unnoticed”

      • Not their teaching, but their lifestyle/behavior

    • vss 5-19 - Rebellion and divine justice

      • Israel’s rebellion in the wilderness - Numbers 14

      • Rebellious angels - Genesis 6 (1 Enoch), 

      • Men of Sodom and Gomorrah - Gen 19

        • (Testament of Moses, based on Deut - Michael)

      • Rebels who corrupt others

        • Cain - Gen 4

        • Balaam - Num 22-25; 31:16

        • Korah - Num 16

          • Selfish Shepherds - Ezk 34:2

          • Clouds without rain - Prov 25:14

          • Chaotic waves - Isa 57:20

      • Recent warnings from Peter, John, Paul & Jesus

    • vss 20-25 - Stay true to the faith

      • Fight for each other in the Body

      • Trust the mercy of God

  • Life application:

    • Recognize counterfeits

      • Know your Bible

      • Use other resources wisely, with discernment

    • Encourage the weak in faith

    • Praise God! His grace demands a whole life response

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Great and Precious Promises
May I have a Word with you?
A podcast that aims to help ordinary people read God’s Word, the Bible, for the sake of life application and a godly transformation. In other words, for the sake of becoming more like Jesus.
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John Bromhal