Jun 1Liked by John Bromhal

This may have become my favorite of Paul’s letters thanks to you! Because of your teachings, my mind has been opened. Honestly (and a little embarrassingly) when I read verse 19, I said to myself “how arrogant of Paul“ but thanks to you, I totally get it. As I moved through the day, I think I am embodying the gospel, but something I should be more mindful of for sure. My question for you is this - is there a place where koinonia isn’t possible? I joined a church 5 yrs ago when I moved to NC. I spent most of that time trying to figure out where I fit in and how I could use my spiritual gifts. I am now worshiping in a different church. It’s not clear if it is where God intends for me to be, but it’s a great place for me to worship and be fed. Sorry for the long comment…

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Hey Pam. Wow, I'm so thankful that my podcasts can be used by God in such ways. Yeah, Paul certainly can come across as prideful sometimes. I'm glad you are willing to see it differently, maybe in a new way.

Your question about koinonia is a good one. I might change the wording a tad, since "all things are possible for God." haha... hmmm. Is there a place where koinonia is seriously challenging? I know there are. Sadly there are many congregations who simply don't get the idea of koinonia, have never been taught it, are unfortunately insuler in their relational capacity. I think the NT writers had to write about koinonia as often as they did because it is a God given gift that results when our human nature, which aligns with relationship for my own good, is transformed by the gracious work of Holy Spirit in those who are redeemed.

I'm sorry you are finding it so difficult to find koinonia where you are. I pray God makes clear to you where He wants you to connect, invest and remain.


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May 26Liked by John Bromhal

Thanks again for a great explanation of the letter, and its application to us. Amen.

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Hey Cathy. Thanks again for your reliable encouragement.

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